Since late 2019, we have been actively partnering with local communities, organizations, and individuals to bring lasting change through agricultural development.



Agricultural Development

After personally experiencing the struggle inherent with real hunger, Feed the Generations founder Matthew Atokple began praying for guidance in ways to affect permanent change. God provided him with a passion for farming, the knowledge necessary to carry that passion out, and a strong desire to share that knowledge with others.

With the intent of being consistent, easily duplicable and approachable, FTG follows a simple pattern: establish, develop, transform. FTG uses sustainable farming to establish trust and develop strong relationships within communities and organizations. These relationships start in partnership by repurposing unused land and developing it into cultivated land that produces for the owners, all the while teaching them the principles of farming. Working alongside the local community provides an excellent opportunity to create deeper understanding of the present needs and willingness to step toward solutions together.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in.
— Matthew 25:35

sustainable harvesting

The harvest is then divided up between FTG and the local community with several goals in mind. First is to ensure the needs of the local community are met. The portion retained by FTG is used to be sold at a discounted price to other faith based organizations, to those who are struggling to produce for themselves, and ultimately to donate to those in need without the meanings of farming on their own. All revenue from these sales goes directly back to further developing projects in communities in need.

Our farming also allows us to employ, and train, locals to help maintain the crops. This not only provides meaningful work, but creates ownership within the local community, and even one more step toward lasting transformation.

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
— Matthew 25:40

REciprocal Sustainability

Feed the Generations’ farming system was structured in such a way to help communities be agriculturally self-sustaining, but also developed to allow FTG be financially self-sustaining with day to day operations. Through volunteers as well as local and international staff, FTG will grow to be able to expend more finances toward new, and existing projects.

Though costs are currently covered through donations and fundraising, FTG seeks to be financially independent in the future, as wise stewards of the gifts God has provided. Using both creative and foundational farming, FTG has successfully developed, and demonstrated, sustainable farming practices.